In today’s episode of Willful, we spoke with Sheryl Gordon, author of the book, A Rewording Life - ARL. Sheryl wrote eight heartfelt essays on dementia for her book, then asked 1000 Canadian contributors to pen sentences using a bemusing and obscure word she provided them. Through her curatorial work, Sheryl hopes to harness the power of words to help eradicate dementia. In Ep. 1, she talks about:
• Not being a word nerd growing up
• Studying at The Sorbonne, living in the Marais and working as an au pair
• Basking in the culture of Paris while she considered her life’s options
Willful is the web series that tracks how artists and creative entrepreneurs work, thrive and survive. We interview one artist a week, then post five three-minute snack films from that interview on YouTube every day.
Follow us here or on our YouTube Channel and website,, for our entire archive of inspiring interviews.
Thank you, Greg Garson and The Merchant Taps & Tavern, a popular downtown stage for words like #Beer, #Yum and #Satiated
* 50% of the profits for Sheryl’s book sales will go to the Alzheimer Society (
#Language #Words #CreativeEntrepreneur #Philanthropist#ARewordingLife #Dementia #The6ix #DemENDtia #Alzheimers#Meaning #Alz #DementiaStories